How We Do Business…
Why a code of ethics?
Something you do not normally see on a business’ website is a Code of Ethics. So, let us explain why we chose to include one on ours…
Knowing how to do business in this world is more than making a profit. A commitment to excellence in every way is paramount to us so that you will not have any doubts when doing business with us.
Whether it is raising quality Alpacas, running a model ranch, advertising in person and on the web, or selling to the public, Aubrey Oaks Alpacas is committed to our Code of Ethics.
What does this mean for you? TRUST! Which means that you can rest assured that Charles & Debbie Ashley, as owners of Aubrey Oaks Alpacas, will always treat you just as we would want to be treated.
With that in mind, we felt it best to compose our own Code of Ethics. One that reflects our beliefs and consequently serves as a guideline for our actions.

The Aubrey Oaks Alpacas Code of Ethics
We will…
- treat you with fairness & honesty. We will provide you with quality—whether it is an Alpaca, a product or service, or education & friendship.
- always provide the best possible care for all of our animals—which includes daily, monthly and annual routines.
- endeavor to continue our own education in the Alpaca industry. We will willingly share what we know for the betterment of the buyer and the breed. If we do not have the answer for you, we will refer you to other reputable sources.
- sell Alpacas with a complete disclosure of all pertinent facts known to us. We will include documented records of the care that they received while they were here at the ranch.
- register all animals with A.R.I. in a timely manner, and provide timely transfer of ownership and A.R.I. certificates as our clients desire.
- offer only guarantees & assurances that are trustworthy statements to our customers.
- refrain from offering or encouraging information or actions that will negatively affect other Alpaca owners & breeders.
- only offer an Alpaca for sale when we have both the buyer’s assurance and our own confidence that the new owner has the appropriate knowledge & systems in place to properly care for it.